It is a privilege and honor to serve the Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne as President. Mary Virginia Merrick began the Christ Child Society in Washington, D.C. in 1887 with the mission of seeing the Christ Child in every child. In 1998, twenty-four women founded the Fort Wayne Chapter of the Christ Child Society. Today, close to 200 members continue that mission and strive to make a difference in the lives of the underserved children in our community.
Very simply, the goal of the Christ Child Society is to find a need and fill it. Sharing in this common mission affirms within each of us a sense of purpose born of knowing that we can make a difference. We are moved to action by Mary Virginia’s guiding principle that “nothing is ever too much to do for a child”.
Together we find unique ways to respond to the needs of the children with clothing essentials for newborns, brand new coats for school children, a preschool reading program, backpacks filled with personal and hand sewn items for children in transition, and baby and toddler products in our Crib Clubs in area Women’s Care Centers. In this Jubilee year, Pope Francis tells us: "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision." I am honored to share in this vision and hope you will support me and the Christ Child Society in this journey.
Debby Williams, President
Christ Child Society – Fort Wayne