In addition:
Monthly visits were made by members to three area preschools (7 classrooms) and one homeless shelter providing books to 180 children. At the end of the school year, each child had an at-home library of 9 new books.
3,106 visits were made by families to our Crib Clubs (located within the Women's Care Center) to use coupons to receive diapers, clothing and other necessary items for their children.
As the case manager and the staff that welcomes families into the shelter, I see the stress and fear in the families’ eyes when they first arrive to our shelter. The “My Stuff” Backpacks provided by the Christ Child Society offer a distraction for the children during this scary time. Instead of focusing on the fears of their situation they are distracted by discovering all the different items in their new backpack. There are lots of “look what I got”, “you mean this is mine? I get to keep it? I don’t have to share?” I cannot express the appreciation I have for this program. The comfort it brings to the children is tremendous and it definitely makes a huge impact for these families and for our program.
Shirley York
Family Case Manager
Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network